Build Your Skills: CranioSacral Workshop on the Sphenoid -- August 4, 2019 Janet BerryhillMay 4, 2019Craniosacral, therapy, workshops, build your skills, cranium, training, Sphenoid, concussions, headaches, migraines
Summer Mahtomedi Yoga Starts June 4 Janet BerryhillMay 4, 2019mahtomedi, yoga, white bear lake, stillwater, hugo, north st. paul, Lake elmo
CranioSacral for the Organs is Sunday March 17th Janet BerryhillFebruary 21, 2019St. Mary's Episcopal Churchcraniosacral, therapy, organs, stomach, adrenals, kidneys, bladder, pancreas
Spring Mahtomedi Yoga Starts April 9! Janet BerryhillFebruary 21, 2019Mahtomedi District Education CenterMahtomedi, Yoga, classes, beginning, intermediate, continuing, evening