The CranioSacral System
More detail…
The cerebrospinal fluid is a filtrate of the blood, and it is produced by the choroid plexuses in the center of the brain. This fluid circulates around the brain and spinal chord, then is reabsorbed by tiny structures called the arachnoid granulations, all along the top of the head at the sagital suture lines of the parietal bones.
Watch this video to see this in action:
The Fascial System
When you were forming in the womb, the fascia started out as one layer of cells that folded upon itself thousands of times and this formed a network of membranes that wrap around all the muscles, organs, and bones. It is this fascial network that craniosacral therapists work with to release imbalances and restrictions that impede ease of movement and cause pain. Our intention is to help restore fluidity and stretchiness of these membranes, and create ease of movement in the head and body.
The Bones of the Head
See all the bones clearly in this expanding skull video.
Or, take a tour of the head bones in this 2 minute video
See the cranial movement in this video: